Omega Overview
Compound Bow Mounting Bracket
Q: Where can I use the Omega Sights?

A: It can be used on compound and cross bows, blackpowder weapons, shotguns, rifles and yes, even pistols. Fits on any shooting device that will accept a scope. Please see pictures at left.

Q: How does it work?

A: We have grouped together a Range Finder and Camera Lens which projects an image of the target onto an LCD Screen. Within the sight, we have a superimposed adjustable MilDot Reticle for aiming purposes. This sight integrates all of the necessities of ranging, videoing, and shooting into one unit. Check out our videos to see this in action!

Q: In first light or last light, will the Omega Sight give off a glow that can be seen by prey who will be alerted to my presence?

A: The answer is no, the Omega Sight does not give off a glow. You can see within the sight by looking directly into it, but the light does not escape in any significant way.